Want to increase your productivity?
1. Toggl Track
I like using Toggl Track to keep track of how long it takes me to complete tasks. Whether I’m using it for my own business, for client work or even in my corporate position, it’s helpful to know how long a task and projects are taking me. The report generator is seamless and puts out a perfect PDF showing beautiful graphs and charts of every task and project I completed for the time period generated so that I can easily share it with my clients or save for future reference.
2. Clipboard History Pro
This extension is amazing for copying and pasting. I frequently find that I’m needing to retrieve the item I copied, not the most recent one, but 3 times before that. This extension provides a history of your copies on your clipboard so that you are easily able to re-copy it as your last one used to be able to paste into your work. This one has saved me so much time!
3. Joy Pixels
This one is more of a fun one but I find it really helpful in copywriting especially for mobile optimization and email marketing. It provides a quick drop down of an emoji keyboard so that you are easily able to search for the emoji you want and copy it to your keyboard.
4. Fireshot
Fireshot is great for taking screenshots of a long screen such as a webpage you’d like to send as an image or pdf. I find it helpful in my website design services.
5. Color pick eyedropper
Ever see a color on the internet and want to know what it is so you can save it?! I know it can’t be just me! Color pick eyedropper allows you to activate the eye dropper on any website or webpage you are visiting and will tell you the hex code and RGB code so you can easily copy and paste it. Super helpful with graphic design!
6. Whatfont
Whatfont is pretty helpful for helping to identify fonts on the webpage you are viewing. It does have some restrictions just due to how websites are designed and built (like it can’t read fonts from an image and some website creators are all image based) so I use this one sparingly but it still comes in super helpful if I see a font I really like!